Friday, 23 January 2009

A Face Only a Mother Could Love?

For those of you who just assume our baby will be cute because of her mixed heritage, I thought I'd see if your optimism was justified. So after extensive studies of our faces, features and backgrounds a company (that only cost us 10,000 GBP to do) came up with this rendition of our soon-to-be member of our family.

And all I can say is...yikes!

What do you think about my little new baby Baby Ngai? - What will your baby look like?

While I dig the curly hair, I'm not sure how much I like the fact that my daughter has a five o'clock shadow in that picture. Nor the uneven skin tone...hmmm...

What do you think? Is there any hope for our spawn?


Anonymous said...

I see less Aussie=Asian but more ?? What? She'll be so cute no matter what. Every Sunday at church I look at the Japanese/Caus. Low kids and think she must look like there new baby girl!!

Mak said...

I agree- Yikes? I think there is hope- at least she wont't have 5 o'clock shadow (we hope)

Btw- my verification word is "humshog". Sounds like a name idea?

Jefe said...

I think your child looks like a rapper from the early ninety's! M.C. D-Ngai! What What! WoRd. Number one in the hood G!

JM said...

Jeff, how could you pass up a baby/rapper joke and not use "Crib?"

Seriously, that's a really weird blend. Your baby will be oh so cute.

Jefe said...

Layin in my crib wit' the bottle at my side, call my ma and said we need to go fo' a ride.
We get me some peanut butter and my mom use JIF cause there ain't no otha!

Roll in my crib wit me!
It ain't naptime til 3!
Rockabye baby in the tree top,
when I throws down my beats you know I don't stop!