Friday 30 October 2009

Sleeping beauty?

How Amelia naps (& sleeps in the night). (Apologies for the picture quality, we would appreciate a new video camera....thanks Santa).

Thursday 29 October 2009

The Great Debate

There is a very big debate in our house. One that has been going on since before Matt and I were married. One that might not ever come to a satisfactory conclusion. Unfortunately, due to the fact that Matt and I are both competitive, and very patriotic, Amelia is going to have no choice but to do just that, which is to make a choice. And this choice she's going to have to make will help determine whether she's more American or Aussie.

What is this choice you ask?

It's whether or not she'll prefer peanut butter or vegemite on her morning toast. Now, if you're a smart person, there is no debate. Peanut butter wins out every time. Unless you're one of the crazy few, who think that vegemite (which is yeast...ick) is the best spread around.

Matt is convinced she'll be a huge vegemite fan, and I'm guessing Grandpa K will actually pull for her to like it also. But I'm equally as determined that my daughter, though she's not actually been to America (yet...only 44 days left) will love PB&J's. And this is more than just her preference for peanuts or yeast, this decision will be the first step on the way to determining whether she'll prefer Australia or America, and this journey will only end when she decides which national team she'll play for when she becomes a world class soccer player.

Of course, overall we're both fine with whatever she decides, but we do each secretly wish she would choose our country.

Although, with our luck, she'll probably prefer marmalade or something very British.

Friday 23 October 2009

A day in a life...

Amelia in the mornings.

Amelia during the day.

Friday 16 October 2009

Rock 'n' Roll!

Amelia chilling out and her latest trick.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Because I'm So Generous.

Hello faithful reader(s). Today I'm going to give you a gift. Well, two gifts actually. If you remember a few months ago, I introduced you to the delightful world of CakeWrecks.

Now I'm going to introduce you to two other websites that can help whittle down any long hours you might have to endure in the office, or if you want to just kill time.

The first one is for all the mormon girls out there. It's a parody blog based on the 'perfect mormon house wife. One whose life is perfect and she's just a teensy bit shallow, while pretending not to be. It's hilarious. Start at the beginning. It's awesome. The site is called Seriously, so blessed! It's a great site, and I think many of my sisters will appreciate it.

The second site I'm going to introduce you to, is one where if you have any kind of trivia knowledge about anything, then this site is for you. Matt and I discovered this site before we were married and we often spend some of our evenings challenging ourselves on one, two or three of the many quizzes. It's called Sporcle.

So go, enjoy. Spend many an hour laughing and searching your brain for useless knowledge you knew you'd need some day.

You're welcome.

P.S. For those of you who mainly visit this blog for videos of Amelia. Check back soon, we've got a couple of really cute ones we're going to upload in the next day or two.

Sunday 4 October 2009

I Can Read Your Mind!

In order to give you a good understanding about the funny(ish) incident that happened yesterday, I'm going to take you through a little mind reading exercise. Maybe you've heard this before, if you have. That's great.

If not, give it a go, you might get a kick out of it. If you do decide to do it, be cool and don't look at the bottom before you're done, okay?

So here goes.

Think of your age. Now double it (so for example if you are 32, it's now 64). Now add 8 to the doubled age. Now divide that by 2. Need a calculator. It's cool. I can wait.

Ready to keep going? Now, once you've divided the number by 2, subtract your original age (32) from it.

Next you need to convert that number to the corresponding letter of the alphabet, so 1 would be A, 2=B and so on.

Got your letter?

Now think of a country that begins with that letter.

Got your country?

Now take the last letter of the country, and think of an animal that begins with that letter.

Got your animal?

Now take the last letter of the animal and think of a color that starts with that letter.

Got your color?

Now I shall attempt to reach through the internet and read your mind. I'm guessing that you came up with (put your mouse over it to highlight the rest of it after the word 'An'):

An Orange Kangaroo from Denmark!

Am I right?

If that's what you got, good for you! You're like 99% of the people out there. I know that's what I got. If you got something different than the letter 'D', you did the math wrong and probably need to go back to school.

So I did this magic trick on Matt. Thinking he'd be awed and mystified by my awesome mind reading skills.

You know what he got? An Aqua Iguana from Djibouti! Seriously, who thinks of Djibouti when naming a country that begins with D?

Needless to say, I didn't dazzle him with my psychic abilities, but he did dazzle me with his level of geekiness.