I'll explain. As most people reading this blog know, we've been 'sleep training' Amelia for the last month or so. Actually, she's already there. She pretty much always goes down without any problems. She'll only fuss if she's out of her routine and she's over tired (which has been happening a bit, due to us having appointments to look at flats almost every night for the past 2.5 weeks).
But during the day, she's just great. I still can't believe this child I put down, still fairly wide awake goes to sleep in her cot without crying. The fights to get her to nap are still fresh in my mind and I still consider it a miracle each time.
Now, from what I've read every baby has a way that they self soothe themselves to sleep. Well, Mia apparently has a few different methods. Some babies suck their thumbs. Amelia lifts her feet up really high and bangs them down on the mattress repeatedly. Or she'll bang her fists on her mattress. Or she'll alternate fists and legs. Sometimes she chatters while doing this, sometimes not. This can go on for quite awhile.
When she's getting really close to falling asleep she moves her head back and forth, really quickly. Like she's shaking her head no. She does this a lot and has since she was 2 days old. I can't help but wonder how she doesn't get dizzy. Maybe she does and that helps her sleep. Who knows?
And the last thing is something that she's started doing recently within the last month or two, but does it every day without fail. This is one area where she is truly her father's daughter, because I'm pretty sure Matt would sleep this way also if he could. He loves to be snug in his forts.
Very often when I check on her, I'll not find my daughter's face looking back at me, but more often one of the princesses on her favorite blanket.
Here's what I mean:
Cute isn't it? She's so funny, when she's really tired and we're putting her to bed, she likes to have her pacifier in (thankfully it's really the only time she needs it and doesn't wake up if it falls out), and the blanket up by the side of her face, so she can rub her cheek in it. However, after I leave, she usually grips the blanket in both hands and as you can see, places it over her head and quite often falls asleep like that. She's definitely shown a preference for this particular blanket, most likely because it really is soft.
I once read a quote from one of the Anne of Green Gables books where Anne learns about her parents and reads some letters they wrote about her when she was a baby. One has always stuck with me, its where her mom writes about the baby Anne: "I love her best when she's sleeping, and even better when she's awake."
I never quite understood that, but now I do. I love when Amelia sleeps. She looks so peaceful, and I can do things like shower or the laundry. But when she has been sleeping for a long time, I find myself anticipating her to wake up. I love playing with her and I so enjoy spending time with her.
And just for added cuteness, one more picture:
Also, these pictures were taken today, so they're about as current as you can get.
So sweet. Obviously, motion is soothing to her...just hope she isn't a crib rocker!
So funny. I can't imagine sleeping all covered up like that. But hey- it works. Wren has started taking everything to bed with her. We are up to no less than 10 stuffed animals and 6 blankets. Add a pillow to that, and there isn't room for her!
Both my boys used to the the slamming the feet down on the mattress thing and the head shaking thing. Sam also used to get all the way covered up by his magic blanket for the same reasons Amelia does and never really seemed to mind either. But he had to have the blankie up by his face. Janie does it with hers too. It's nice to know that my kids are the only wierd ones. Maybe it's genetic.
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