Monday 18 January 2010

Almost 8 Months!

So since Amelia is going to be 8 months old in a few days, I thought I'd write an update. I know I always say it, but I really want to write more about her and what she's doing, rather than just post videos and pictures. I'm going to not pressure myself and know that it's okay if there aren't any pictures (all on Matt's computer) or if it's very long. Hopefully that will encourage me to post more! So here are some random Amelia tidbits.

Amelia is such a hoot. She's just such a happy baby and is still so good. She doesn't fuss for strangers, though she doesn't give away smiles to them either. She'll analyze the new person/situation until she's comfortable and then she's their best friend. At home, she's all laughs and smiles and very, very vocal. Every now and then it seems like she likes to play around and see what her voice can do. Currently it involves screaming, not baby screams, but real hurt-your-throat screams. Don't worry, we got one on video. She also likes to dance. Lately we've been putting music on while getting ready in the mornings or on a lazy Saturday afternoon, and Mia doesn't miss a chance to dance. We've been going through an X-Factor nostalgic phase, and playing some songs from the series and it's pretty funny to see which ones she'll dance to, and which don't interest her at all (she's a Joe fan, but doesn't give Olly too much notice...FYI).

Except now she just screams when music is on. Including in church yesterday. We were singing the opening hymn and she 'sang' along. Thankfully it wasn't the high pitched scream, but it was still pretty loud. Also yesterday during Relief Society when it was during a fairly quiet time, she gave a huge burp. It was kind of funny, heads were turning around to find the source of the person who would dare burp in church!

She's pretty much perfected crawling and standing. She likes to walk along the wall or little fence we've put up. She also likes to let go and see how long she can stand on her own. I know that just means that she's going to be walking soon. I'm not ready. I hope she waits until we move at least!

She's also into everything! I miss the days where she would be content with a few toys, but now she'll get into everything that she isn't supposed to be in. We bought an activity center thing (you can see it in the video below) she loves it, but mostly just takes the phone part that comes with it and pounds on it over and over. So much fun for Mommy to listen to as well!

Mia is also a complete Daddy's girl. That's not to say she doesn't love me or have fun with me, but she sees me all the time. When her Dad comes home from work, there is no one else in her world except him. She'll watch him as he moves around the room, she'll lunge for him (usually off my lap) when he sits down. And she loves nothing more than when he sits with her in 'her' area and lets her crawl all over him. It's really very sweet to see her eyes light up at Matt.

Well, that's about it, we just love our clever little girl. She is so much fun and sometimes I can't help but just watch her in amazement that I was able to participate in creating such a gorgeous girl.

Okay, that wasn't too hard. Watch this space for some more updates!


JM said...

More updates! More updates!

Bek said...

So fun!! yes. The pounding phase is awesome huh??? G is really noticing music now. She loves Kanye West. Go figure.