Saturday, 20 February 2010

OOkie pOOkie

Ookie Pookie went to the market. Ookie POOkie went to the zoo. OOkie PooKie went scuba diving and then drowned. R.I.P Ookie PooKIE.

In other news, the Ngai family had a wonderful time visiting Mitch in Cambridge. Though being almost 9 months pregnant, Mitch welcomed us with a wonderful dinner and Kate's favourite cupcakes! Thanks Mitch! We had such a good time we hardly noticed that Niall wasn't there (just kidding!).


Alison said...
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Alison said...

She is so adorable!

CKW said...

Okay, you're going to have to explain the ookie pookie thing because I am a little freaked out...

Mitch said...

Thank you so much for coming!