Shortly after that, I noticed that she would wave her hands and say 'duh duh' during different times of the day. She'd do it when I was changing her diaper, when she was eating lunch and even in the bathtub. I would nod and smile, but I didn't understand why she was doing it. I thought she was waving to 'da da' (she has conversations with Matt all the time, even when he's not there). She would then get frustrated and start fussing that she wanted down/off the changing mat/out of the tub.
It finally occurred to me that she was saying 'all done' and using her version of what I'd done with her earlier. So I started taking note of when she did it, and sure enough, that's what it means.
So we have our first 'sign' even though it's not proper sign language, it works for us. She uses it very appropriately and when she's all done...she's definitely all done.
I think the rest of the video is pretty self explanatory.
Mia helped me make Matt's father's day cake, she enjoyed it very much as you can see.
I am pretty sure that actually is the ASL sign for 'finished'. Bek?
The no-no cracked me up!
Isn't it fun to track these 1st's? Write them down so all of your kids can say I did this first.
Becca could say the Pledge or All when she was 2 (awesome preschool teacher) and Jen recognized most of the alphabet at 18 mon. However, record more than the first 2...Jeff and Cyndi were "wired" for sound very early. Mak was a math whiz by Kindergarten, Brad constantly ran away from preschool. Kate would not give a smile to anyone but Cyndi never met a stranger. Jen would not wear buttons or collars until??? Becca had straight hair until the last 2-3 inches and then curly fuzzy. Brad always had a soft spot for the SpEd kids..remember Natalie? Jeff was waited on hand and foot. All of you were very smart very early....awe such memories.
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