Saturday 18 February 2012

King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery parade

Recently Amelia and I (Kate) had a chance to bid farewell to the King's Troop, in a parade on the St.John's Wood high street. The King's Troop has been headquartered in the 'Wood for 200 years. They've since been moved to Woolwich. It was during the day, so poor Matt had to work, but Amelia and I had a good time. We're going to miss the drills when they'd march down our street in full regalia. There was no better sight for my animal loving girl.

These women are called 'Pearl Ladies' and have been around since WW2, not sure what their function is. When I asked them, the answer wasn't any more clear. Apparently they show up at things like this and help create atmosphere. Or something. Google wasn't much help either. So if anyone knows...

And here are just a couple more pictures. Not too many, sorry!

We'll miss the troop, but we were glad we could sing traditional WW1 and WW2 songs to see them off!


Jeff Kinsel said...

They made songs about the war?

JM said...

So. Freaking. Cool. I'd love to learn more about those ladies. There's gotta be a good story there, right?

janemkinsel said...

Not fair they moved before you do!